

3. Energy Tech 301 Dust Monitor

A low cost dust monitor using well-proven technology providing accurate and rapid results.

Being adaptable it can be used on duct sizes from 250mm to 5m making the EnergyTech 301 a suitable sensor for a wide range of applications where a dust measurement is required.

EnergyTech 301

EnergyTech 301 continuous dust monitor uses the well-proven tribo-electric sensor technology to directly measure mass particulate concentration by sensing the frictional charge created when particles collide with a conductor.

The advanced electronics of the EnergyTech 301 detect this signal and present it to the operator via RS485 or 4-20mA directly out from the sensor head. The EnergyTech 301 also features a built in display for viewing live sensor data as well as for configuration and calibration. The measurement levels can be corrected to mg/m³ via an integrated calibration function.

The tribo-electric technique is extreamly sensitive, capable of detecting dust concentrations of less than 1 mg/m³ in small ducts.

  • Direct sensing method; actual particulate concentration.
  • Automated Online zero and span checking facility.
  • Integrated calibration function for mg/m³ output.
  • Minimal maintenance requirements.

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