Below is presented the work performed by AMBIOSIS S.A. to date by grouping the work according to the technical area:
Technical Studies for Environmental Legislation Creation.
- "Research and Compilation of Laws and Regulations for the use of Meth scopolamine bromide, Phosphine and Sulfurous anhydride in Chile", Chile 2013.
- "Research relative to Drift Effect in Pesticides use procedures for Farming" consultancy for MINSAL August - December 2012.
Environmental Audits
- "Analysis and Inspection of Stablished Requirements in R.E N° 583/2014 of SMA, for Monitoring equip CODEL units 1 and 2 for Central Ventanas", AES GENER, November 2014.
- Audit and Evaluation of Stablished Requirements in R.E N° 583/2014 of SMA, for the existing Boilers in COLDELCO - Section Salvador", AGUASIN, November 2014.
- "Environmental single annual Audit RCA 071/2007 Lime Furnace N°3", INACESA. Periods 2010 - 2013.
- "Specialized Consultancy for and Audit Support for the accomplishment of D.S. 138/2005 MINSAL in CODELCO Andina, Saladillo", CODELCO ANDINA, November 2013.
- "Specialized Consultancy to Audit support of Controllership", CODELCO ANDINA, November 2012.
- "Legal accomplishment Audit and Environmental Matrix Update REXAM CHILE", Consultancy for REXAM, 2012.
- "Research of environmental compound in Tricolor S.A. Activities", TRICOLOR 2012.
- "Environmental Compound Analysis for Tricolor S.A.", Consultancy between November 2011 and January 2012.
- "Register and Systematization of Environmental compromises of Society Projects PÉTROS S.A.", Consultancy for PETREOS, between February and March 2012.
- "Environmental Inspection Due Diligence of Cemento Melón S.A. facilities" Consultancy for INVERSIONES CORDILLERA DEL SUR 2012.
- "Audit for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS) installations of Unit 3 of AES GENER Central Ventanas and Comparison between SERPRAM and CEMS Measures", Contracted by AES GENER Central Ventanas July 2010.
- "Audit for Planta Morteros of Melón S.A.", September 2010.
- "Support and Consultancy for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), CODEL", Consultancy for INACESA, Región de Antofagasta August 2008.
- "Environmental Annual Independent Audit RCA Lime Furnace N°3" Consultancy for INACESA, Assessor ship selected by CONAMA II region. Since 2008 up to the date.
- "Normalization for Dust and Flow Analyzer, CODEL Lime Furnace 2 and Clinker Furnace", Consultancy for INACESA, February 2010.
- Annual Environmental Consultancy Independent RCA N° 191/2005: "Optimization in processing in Planta La Calera", consultancy selected by CONAMA V Región. Job developed for Cemento Melón in 2009.
- "Environmental Annual Independent Audit RCA 54/2008 claim Use Petcoke", INACESA, annually since 2009 up to the date.
- "Audit of Integrated management system", BAYER, October 2008.
- "EPA Measurement Methodology", Work for SAG between June and August 2008.
- "Control and Supervision of Streets cleanness service 2003-2007", GORE/DICTUC. Consultancy for Regional Government (GORE), between August 2006 and February 2007.
- "Environmental Due Diligence review", for Melón S.A., between February and March 2012.
- "Environmental Due Diligence review 2nd Part", for Melón S.A. in May 2012.
Inventory of Atmospheric pollutants
- "Consultancy of Emission Estimation of CODELCO Boilers section Salvador for the accomplishment of D.S N°138 through the Electronic Form of Atmospheric Pollutants Emissions Declaration", AGUASIN, November 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation Report - Composting Project Teno", CONVENTO VIEJO, November 2014.
- "CO2 Emissions Estimation Report - Project Puente Chacao", CONSORCIO PUENTE CHACAO, Novembe r 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation for Project Doña Carmen IMELSA", NEYENMAPU, May to October 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation Building Stage Project 'Estacionamiento Concesionado'", CONCESIONARIA ESTACIONAMIENTO, 2014.
- "Emissions Factors Determination for PM 10 Emissions Abatement efficiency in Candelaria Mining company", ARCADIS, October 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation for Coimolache Mining company, Tantahuatay Project, Peru", 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation - Dregs Flotation Project Potrerillos CODELCO", CICA, September 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation - Building Stage Riles I and II Treatment Plants", ARCADIS, 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation LDA Project, Response comments", A y A, August 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation for Dregs Flotation Project Potrerillos CODELCO", August 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation for Composting Plant Melipilla", LOS GUINDOS, June 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation Project: Industrial Plant for Pet Balanced Feed Elaboration", PROQUILAB, June 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation - Unit 2", VENTANAS, June 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation - Probing Project CODELCO-RT", June 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation DS 138 Period 2012, Central Nueva Ventanas", NUEVA VENTANAS, June 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation DS 138 Period 2012, Central Ventanas", VENTANAS, June 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation - Regularization CIC S.A. Plant", CIC, April 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation Project 'APOYO a la INFRAESTRUCTURA de Transporte Servicio y Equipamiento'", INGENIEROS INTEGRALES, March 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation Project: Plant Enlargement Fruit Trees Food Elaborator Quilicura", January 2014.
- "Emissions Estimation to Sanitary Fulfillment of Mining Company Codelco Radomiro Tomic", December 2013.
- "Emissions Estimation Base Line Purchase Authorization, ENAMI Town council", December 2013.
- "Emissions Estimation for INACESA", December 2013.
- "Consultancy for Atmospheric Emissions Estimation Research DIA Project Conjunto Habitacional Luis I, Stage IV, Region Metropolitana", October 2013.
- "Specialized Consultancy for Atmospheric Pollutants Emissions Estimation", CODELCO, October 2013.
- "Emissions Estimation LDA Project", A y A, October 2013.
- "Emissions Estimation Enlargement Airport Arturo Merino Benítez", AP ECOLOGY SPA, August 2013.
- "Pollutants Emission Factors Research", MINSAL, Consultancy March - August 2013.
- "Consultancy of Atmospheric Emission Estimation, in the Stage of Construction and Operation of the Parking Ñuñoa Project", August 2013.
- "Atmospheric Emission Estimation of the Engineering Study, for Replenishment Route 11 Ch, Putre Sector - Choquelimpie Mine Access. Arica and Parinacota Region", PIDDO, August 2013.
- "Emission Estimation of Maiten Norte", May 2013.
- "Carbon Footprint Calculator", May 2013.
- "Emission Estimation of Barrio Oriente", May 2013.
- "Counseling For Emissions Management of Aconcagua Food", January 2013.
- "Emissions Management, Milk and Dairy Quillayes", January 2013.
- "Emissions Inventory, IANSA Energy Plant Project", December 2012.
- "Emission Estimation, Cospeles ARMAT Plant", October 2012.
- "Emission Estimation, Loteo Santa Carmen de Colina", October 2012.
- "Emission Estimation, La Araucanía de Colina I y II", October 2012.
- "Emission Estimation, Subestación Eléctrica Fátima", GHD-PAINE, September 2012.
- "Emission Estimation year 2011, of Atmospheric Pollutants", COLBUN NEHUENCO, July 2012.
- "Atmospheric Emissions Estimation, Fixed and Mobile Sources in Required Formats to Prepare the Fifth Report of the PRTR", Consultancy for Sub secretary of Environment (Subsecretaría de Medio Ambiente) between June and December 2011.
- "Estimating Emissions within the Environmental Impact Study of the Aysén Transmission System", Consultancy conducted for the GHD, between July and December 2011.
- "Diagnosis Analysis for Atmospheric Management plan in Region de Valparaíso - Emissions Regional Inventory Preparation", contracted by CONAMA, 'Region of Valparaíso', between March 2010 and October 2011
- "Emissions Inventory for PM10 and SO2 La Negra Sector, Antofagasta", consultancy contracted by mining company XTRATA COPPER, developed between November 2009 and August 2010.
- "Inventory preparation of PM10 and SO2 for Sector La Negra Antofagasta", Consultancy for Asociación de Industriales de Antofagasta, between February and August 2010.
- "Emissions Estimation and Comparison with Reference Standard", Work for Cecinas Chillán Ltda., performed in May 2010.
- "Betterment and Development of Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (2nd Part) developed by AMBIOSIS with SMHI from Sweden for CONAMA, in the topic of implementation of air quality national system SINCA using AIRVIRO platform", Consultancy, between November 2008 and September 2009.
- "Abilities strengthening for Emissions Inventories and Databases development in AIRVIRO", Consultancy through CORFO for SMHI, 2009.
- "Atmospheric Pollutants Estimation by Establishments and its sources", Consultancy for Ministerio de Salud, performed between November 2008 and December 2009.
- "Atmospheric Pollutants Emissions estimation on the basis of Industrial National Annual Survey to feed the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)", Consultancy for CONAMA Nacional between October 2007 and December 2009.
- "Isokinetic Report analysis of Particulate Matter and Emissions Estimation via Emissions factor for Backup Turbine of Central Las Vegas", consultancy performed in August 2009.
- "Emissions Inventory of Greenhouse gases, COVISA", April 2009
- "Atmospheric Pollutants Estimation by Establishments and its sources", Consultancy for Ministerio de Salud, performed between October 2008 and March 2009.
- "Estimation of Truck Parking emissions", Consultancy for 'Cementos Bío Bío' Talcahuano, January 2009.
- "Methodology elaboration for evaluate the Tagged Impact of Energetic Efficiency in Motorized Vehicles", Consultancy for CNE since December 2009 up to the date.
- "Estimating of Atmospheric Pollutant Emission Starting from the Declaration of Emissions 2007", consultancy performed for Cementos Bío Bío Talcahuano, from December 2008 to January 2009.
- "Estimating of Atmospheric Pollutant Emission, Starting from the Annual Industrial National Survey for Feeding the National Registry of Emissions and Pollutant Transfer (PRTR)", study developed for CONAMA in the years 2007 and 2008.
- "Atmospheric Emission Inventory in Ventanas, Puchuncaví", consultancy performed for the DICTUC in 2008.
- "Atmospheric Pollutants Emissions Inventory and Influence Area of Emissions Definition that cause Saturation Effect due to PM10 in Talca City", Consultancy developed by Ambiosis for CONAMA Region del Maule between September and December 2008.
- "Analysis and Proposal of Emissions Reduction Measures in Industrial Area of Ventanas", Work for CONAMA developed by AMBIOSIS, November 2008.
- "Diagnostic analysis for Air Quality Management Plan in VI Región", CONAMA January 2008.
- "Emissions Inventory for Zona de Ventanas and Air Quality Impact estimation", CONAMA, May 2008.
- "Air quality analysis for PM10 in Calama", CONAMA, May 2008.
- "Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for VI Región", Consultancy for CONAMA VI Región, between June and October 2007.
- "Purchase of Services for Data Analysis, of Emission Declaration of the Metropolitan Region for Items, Activities or Defined Equipment in Supreme Decree Nr 138/05", Consultancy for MINSAL, between July 2007 and July 2008.
- "Update for the Atmospheric Emissions Inventory in the Región Metropolitana", Consultancy for CONAMA RM, between December 2006 and July 2007.
- "Updates to the electronic form No. 138 of Declaration of emissions of atmospheric pollutants", development of the first national inventory of atmospheric emissions from industrial sources, MINSAL 2007.
- "Cadaster of Companies that Store Chemical substances", Work for 'SEREMI de Salud' VI Región between September and October 2007.
- "Measurement Protocol and Analysis to determine mercury in different streams of copper obtaining process", Consultancy for CONAMA Nacional between April and June 2009.
- "Inventory development and Risk Management plan for El Mercurio": a contribution for "La Alianza Global sobre El Mercurio", CONAMA, November 2007.
- "Update for Atmospheric Emissions Inventory in Temuco and Padre las Casas communes", Consultancy for CONAMA Nacional, between July and August 2007.
- "Air emissions inventory VI Región", performed for DICTUC in 2007.
- "Support in estimation of emissions for CONAMA Concepción", performed at 'Centro Mario Molina', 2007.
- "Emissions Scenery 2006 Generation" Consultancy trough Centro Mario Molina for Transantiago, between December 2006 and January 2007.
- Development of air emissions inventory 2005, to the recent update of the PPDA of the R. M., 2007
- "Improvement of Air Quality" project performed for CONAMA II Region, 2007
- "Design and Evaluation of New Measures for other Sources in the context of the updating of the Prevention and Decontamination Plan for Región Metropolitana de Santiago", Study and Consultancy for CONAMA RM, between February and October 2007.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), for TRANSANTIAGO in 2005
- "Consultancy for Public and Private Sector related to Form 138 in the context of PRTR Implementation", Consultancy for CONAMA Nacional, between August and October 2006.
- "CO2 Emissions Report" for Cemento Melón S.A., in December 2006.
- "Monitoring and Characterization of Secondary Sprays and Carbon By products in Particulate Matter in the Región Metropolitana", Consultancy for CONAMA between August and December 2004.
- Consultancy for CONAMA VIII Region: "Update for the Atmospheric Emissions Inventory in Concepción-Talcahuano and others activities", between August and December 2004.
- "Inventories analysis of COPs Emissions in Nicaragua", for PNUD, 2004.
- "National Inventory for Greenhouse Gases in Chile. 2001 Update", Consultancy for PNUD/CONAMA, between December 2003 and August 2004.
- "Evaluation of Air Quality Benefits due to measures of Mobile sources emissions reduction of PPDA", Consultancy for CONAMA RM, between June 2002 and March 2003.
- Study, "Grant Analysis of natural gas in residential areas of cities with environmental problems", Consultancy for CNE, between September 2001 and March 2002.
- Emissions inventories in Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Rancagua and Temuco, Consultancy for National Renewable, 2000.
- Preliminary Estimation of the Potential Co-Control Benefits of GHG Mitigation for Chile, Consultancy for National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA), between August 1999 and December 2000.
- "NATIONAL INVENTORY OF SOURCES OF DIOXINS AND FURANS EMISSIONS" Technical counterpart for CONAMA R. M., study developed by the UDT, Universidad de Concepción.
Consultancy, Inside of the System for the Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA)
- "Biannual Emissions Measurements of HG, Ni, V and PM2,5 in the Chimneys of the Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Centrales Ventanas, Nueva Ventanas y Campiche" consultancy performed biannually since 2012, to date for enterprises of the Grupo AES Gener.
- "Biannual Measures of Hg, Ni, V and PM2,5 in Units 2 y 3 of la Central Ventanas" First Semester 2012, Consultancy for AES GENER, April 2012.
- "Biannual Measures of Hg, Ni, V and PM2,5 in Unit 1 of the Central Ventanas" First Semester 2012, consultancy for AES GENER, First Semester 2012, in July 2012.
- "DIA Photovoltaic Plant Project, Sol de Vallenar", SOL DE VALLENAR, July 2014.
- "Evaluation of the Impact in the Air Quality of 'Planta Bitumix Maipú'", June 2013.
- "Kimberly Clark Environmental Impact Declaration", consultancy since June 2012 up to the date.
- "Declaration of Environmental Impact of the 'Parque Eólico Andes Wind Parks' Project", DOÑA EDURNE SPA, May 2012.
- "Environmental Impact Declaration for "Andes Winds Parks", Consultancy for Doña Edurne SPA, April 2012.
- "Survey and Qualification of the Environmental Variables of the 'Establecimientos de Malterías Unidas S.A.'", Consultancy between May and June 2011.
- "Air Quality Impact Evaluation for Project: Unloading, Carriage and Stock of Slag in Puerto Ventanas", Agosto 2011.
- "Regularization of Fuel Storage Installations in Hotel Portillo", consultancy DIA between October and December 2011.
- "Lifting and Qualification of Environmental Variables Establishments of Agro Inversiones S. A.", 2011
- "Environmental Pre-feasibility Analysis for Emplacement in San Antonio for Project 'Planta Laminadora de Plomo'", Consultancy for METALPLOM, between September 2010 and January 2011.
- "Air Quality Impact Evaluation for Project: Unloading, Carriage and Stock of Slag in Puerto Ventanas", between July and August 2008.
- "Air quality Impact Evaluation for Project "Sistema de transmission Aysén - SIC"", Consultancy for Ingendesa, October 2011.
- "Environmental Compound Analysis of Cemento Melón Activities", July and September 2010.
- "Environmental Consultancy for Sanitary Filling in of Santa Marta", since February to June 2009.
- "Technical Support for the Development of Agenda, of the Air Quality Study, for the Study of Environmental Impact, of the Hidroaysén Project", HIDROAYSÉN, February 2009.
- "Consultancy for Alto Maipo Project", for AES GENER, December 2008.
- Partial Replacement Fuel in brick furnaces of the Empresa Cerámica Santiago S. A., performed during 2008.
- "Review and Comments, Technical Basis for the Study of MPS for HidroAysén" and "Technical support in the development of baseline and environmental assessment of air quality study for the environmental impact of the project Hidroaysén", HIDROAYSÉN, May 2008.
- "Environmental Consultancy, COPEC, March 2008
- "Technical counterpart, to the Air Quality Study for the Environmental Impact Project HIDROAYSÉN", consultancy performed to HIDROAYSÉN in August 2007.
- "Modification for By-Pass System for Furnace N° 9", consultancy contracted by 'Cemento Melón' conducted in January 2007.
- "Air Quality Betterment, Tocopilla", Project for CONAMA II Región between February and May 2007.
- Support for the evaluation of air quality impacts related to the use of mixtures of coal and petroleum coke in Thermal Power Stations, Support for CONAMA Nacional, 2000.
- "EIA Analysis for Proyecto Alumysa, Puerto Aysen, IX Region", Consultancy for CONAMA-IX, between October and November 2001.
- "Environmental tracking of Extension Project and Fuel Change of Thermal Power Station Renca, Eléctrica Santiago S.A.", Consultancy for CONAMA-RM between December 1998 and February 1999.
- "EIAs review of Thermoelectric Stations Colbun and Endesa (Quillota)", Consultancy for COREMA V Region between September 1996 and April 1997.
- "Environmental Impact Evaluation for a Thermal Power Station of Natural Gas in Air Quality for Región Metropolitana, Santiago", Consultancy for INGENDESA between August and September 1995.
Environmental Training
Environmental Permitting and/or Sectorial
- "Instrumentation Project for Compensation of Emissions of the Boilers of 'Papeles Industriales S.A.'", 2014.
- "Consultancy Transaction, 'Planta de Tratamiento Lombricultura', AQUAVITA SPA", July 2014
- "Consultancy in Obtaining Permits for Export 'ENAP Refinerías', ENAP", 2014
- "Technical Qualification and Sanitary Report", MERCK, consultancy conducted between September 2013 and July 2014.
- "Permits Obtaining for Dangerous Wastes Carriage", Consultancy for Laboratorio MERCK 2010.
- "Consultancy, Review and Obtaining of Authorizations for Platinum Recovery 'ENAP Refinerías', ENAP", Consultancy Performed Between August and December 2013.
- "Emissions Compensation", WATTS, May 2013.
- "Environmental Transactions for Implementation of the Instrumentation Project of 'Cemento Melón San Bernardo´", April 2013.
- "Instrumentation Project, 'Planta Lampa SCA Chile'", October 2012.
- "Consultancy for the Management of Emissions of 'Papeles Industriales S.A.'", CATAMUTUN, August, 2012.
- "Preparation of Background and Formal Aspects for the Transaction of the Sectorial Environmental Permits of the Project 'Mine Jilguero', of Minera Jilguero S. A.", CBB COPIAPÓ August 2012 to date.
- "Legal compliance for Atmospheric Emissions in Watts Boilers", Consultancy for CATAMUTUN Energía, July 2012.
- "Evaluation of Legal Compliance Related with Atmospheric Emissions from the Boilers Watts", CATAMUTÚN, July 2012.
- "Transaction of Environmental and Sanitary Permits of the Optimization Project of the Storage of Lubricants of PETROBRAS", PETROBRAS, July 2012.
- "Authorization for Storeroom San Ignacio 851", consultancy for LINPAC 2, performed between August and December 2011.
- Consultancy for KIMBERLY CLARK: "Technical Rating", between July 2011 and May 2012.
- "Registration and Systematization of Environmental Commitments of Cementos Bío Bío S.A." Antofagasta, Copiapó and Talcahuano Plants, 2011
- "Project Implementation of Instrumentation in Melón Morteros", between February 2011 and May 2012.
- "Elaboration and Processing for La DIA: Inflammable Products Storehouse installation in Planta Quilicura of Empresa Virginia S.A.", Consultancy for Aconcagua S.A., performed between May 2008 and April 2010.
- "Environmental Permits Regularization", consultancy for LINPAC, 2010.
- "Technical Qualification Obtaining", Consultancy for Fresenius Kabi, between October and December 2009.
- "Technical Qualification and Sanitary Report obtaining for Planta ROLEC S.A.", between October 2008 and April 2009.
- "Industrial rating and Sanitary Resolution Procurement", consultancy for KAYSER performed between November 2007 and May 2008.
- "Use of Environmental Regulation and Proactive actions in Environmental Topics", consultancy for RHONA performed between November 2007 and June 2008.
- "Technical and Economic Record Generation for the elaboration of an Atmospheric Emission Regulation for Industrial Boilers", Study for CONAMA, between July 2007 and July 2008.
Dispersion Modeling of Emissions
- "System implementation for Environmental Impact Modeling by Road Construction Operations", Consultancy for MOPTT, between August 2003 and August 2004.
- "Modeling of pollutants dispersion for the Región Metropolitana", Consultancy for CONAMA RM, between September 2003 and August 2004.
- "Stationary Sources impacts and aerials in the Air quality modeling in Región Metropolitana", Consultancy for CONAMA RM, between June 2002 and March 2003.
- "Empirical System Development for Prognostication of SO2 in the surroundings of a Copper Refinery", Consultancy for ENAMI, between November and December 1995.
- "Air Quality Management System AIRVIRO (INDIC AB, Sweden) Used in Talcahuano, VIII Region", Consultancy for PETROX Chile, between July and September in 1994.
- "Evaluation of Diffusion Models, Atmospheric Pollutants in Complejo Industrial Ventanas, V Region", Consultancy for CHILGENER between October 1993 and April 1994.
Declaration of Atmospherics Emissions
- "Consultancy on the Regulation Compliance of the Registry of Emissions and Pollutants Transfer, DS N° 1/2013 MMA". Consultancy realized in 2014 to the following companies:
- "Compliance of Res. N° 15.027 for Annual Declaration of Emission for Stationary Sources in Región Metropolitana", Integral consultancy for PETREOS S.A., performed in September 2009.
- "Atmospheric Emissions Estimations using Form 138", Consultancy for different companies in the country, performed since 2005 up to the date:
- Central Ventanas, V Región, including 19 stationary sources.
- Central Nueva Ventanas, V Región, including 13 stationary sources.
- Central Campiche, V Región, including 13 stationary sources.
- Central Santa Lidia, VIII Región, including 3 stationary sources.
- Central Laguna Verde, V Región, including 8 stationary sources.
- IST Valparaíso, V Región, including 4 stationary sources.
- Cal Copiapó, III Región, including 46 stationary sources.
- Cal Antofagasta, II Región, including 94 stationary sources.
- Cemento Antofagasta, II Región, including 84 stationary sources.
- ENAP Magallanes, VII Región, including its 9 establishments: Punta Arenas, Posesión, Oleoductos, Gregorio, Cullen, Costa Afuera, Clarencia-Percy, Cabo Negro, BRC; which include 795 stationary sources.
- INACESA Antofagasta, II Región, including 121 stationary sources.
- Termoeléctrica Nehuenco, V Región, including 14 stationary sources.
- Termoeléctrica Antilhue, X Región, including 4 stationary sources.
- Inversiones Bosques del Mauco, V Región, including 3 stationary sources.
- Comercial e Industrial Caronico, VIII Región, including 1 stationary source.
- Termoeléctrica Candelaria, VI Región, including 5 stationary sources.
- Cecinas Chillán, VIII Región, including 8 stationary sources.
- Cía. Minera Quebrada Blanca, I Región, including 21 stationary sources.
- Alimentos INDAL, V Región, including 4 stationary sources.
- SKC, including 151 power generators operating in various regions.
- INVERTEC Foods, VI Región including 3 stationary sources.
- INVERTEC Natural Juice, VI Región, including 2 stationary sources.
- Cemento Polpaico, Planta Molienda Coronel, VIII Región, including 19 stationary sources.
- Cemento Polpaico, Planta Molienda Mejillones, II Región, including 19 stationary sources.
- STIPORT, V Región, including 14 stationary sources.
- INTERAGRO, VI Región, including 2 stationary sources.
- DAVID DEL CURTO, including 12 stationary sources distributed in the plants: Curicó (2), Fátima (2), Kalinka (1), Paine (2), Requinoa (2), Retiro (1) y San Felipe (2).
- PETREOS, including 6 stationary sources distributed in plants: Curicó (1), Calama (1), Iquique (1), Antofagasta (2) y Placilla (1).
- Cementos Bío Bío Planta de Cemento Talcahuano, VIII Región, including 85 stationary sources.
- METSO, V Región, including 9 stationary sources.
- Hydroelectric Power of the companies COLBÚN S.A.:
- Complejo Los Ángeles, including 6 stationary sources.
- Central Canutillar, including 2 stationary sources.
- Central Carena, including 1 stationary sources.
- Central Los Quilos, including 5 stationary sources.
- Central Aconcagua, including 7 stationary sources.
- Central Chacabuquito, including 4 stationary sources.
- Central Hornitos, including 3 stationary sources.
- Hotel Portillo, V Región, including 16 stationary sources.
- Hotel Atacama, including 9 stationary sources.
- Hotel Patagonia, including 7 stationary sources.
- Central Termoeléctrica Los Pinos de COLBÚN S.A., including 2 stationary sources.
- CODELCO División Andina y Tranque Huechún, including 82 stationary sources.
- Compañía Industrial El Volcán, including 46 stationary sources.
- Aislantes El Volcán AVSA, including 8 stationary sources.
- Fibro Paneles El Volcán FIBRO, including 9 stationary sources.
- Minera Nevada, including 21 stationary sources.
- Dalkia, including 5 stationary sources.
- Instituto de Seguridad del Trabajador
Environmental Information Systems
- "Incorporation of Codes of Validation for the Maintenance of the Integration Module, between Application SmartCEM and AIRVIRO", VENTANAS, December 2013.
- "Maintenance Module of Integration, between Application SmartCEM CODEL and AIRVIRO", VENTANAS. Work performed from the August 2012 to date.
- "WEB Service for Reporting of Emissions of the 'Guacolda Complex' to the Sanitary Authority, monthly contracted by GUACOLDA starting in July 2010 to date.
- "Maintenance Module of Integration, Between Application SmartCEM CODEL and AIRVIRO", Central Termoeléctrica Los Vientos. Work performed between August 2012 and May 2013.
- "Consultancy for Incorporation of New Parameters to the Module of Integration between Application SmartCEM and AIRVIRO", LOS VIENTOS, November 2012.
- "Consultancy for Incorporation of New Parameters to the Module of Integration between Application SmartCEM and AIRVIRO", VENTANAS, November 2012.
- "Consultancy for Implementation of Integration Module between Application SmartCEM CODEL and AIRVIRO". Central Termoeléctrica LOS VIENTOS, 2012.
- "Consultancy for Implementation of Integration Module between Application SmartCEM CODEL and AIRVIRO", Central Termoeléctrica VENTANAS, 2012.
- "Preventive Maintenance and Annual Validation of Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), CODEL", Consultancy for Complejo Guacolda, monthly since October 2010 up to the date.
- "New users creation and Web counter installation for Emissions 'Complejo Guacolda' Website", Work for Guacolda, September 2010.
- "New users creation and Web counter installation for Emissions 'Complejo Guacolda' Website", contracted for GUACOLDA in Julio 2010.
- "Website Modification for Emissions Report of Electricity Company Guacolda S.A. for Sanitary Authority", between July and August 2010.
- "Website implementation for Emissions Report of Central Guacolda for Sanitary Authority". Consultancy for GUACOLDA, between February and June 2010.
- "Information Technology Project for PRTR implementation", Work contracted for CONAMA Nacional, performed between June and December 2009.
- "Methodology Designing that allows the Emissions Compute with Alternative method for Transport Model and Compute Emissions of Mobile sources in PRTR requires formats", Work contracted for CONAMA Nacional performed between July and December2009.
- "PRTR' system Development for Industrial Sector in Web Platform", developed by AMBIOSIS for MINSAL, between March and June 2009.
- "Developed a system in WEB platform for the compensation of emissions from industry in the Region Metropolitana, Into the Study Supporting the implementation of new measures from PPDA in the Industry and Other Sources", developed by CONAMA R. M., YEAR 2009.
- "Consultancy in Emissions for Wood Fueled Devices Certification", Consultancy for 'Ambiente Consultores Ltda'. as part of the consultancy hired by CNE, between August and October 2009.
- "Diagnostic Service and Copy of System HIDREP", Work for Hidronor, November 2009.
- "Second Phase of Development of Information National System for the Control of Water pollution", Developed by AMBIOSIS S.A. for CONAMA, between January and March 2009.
- "Website Platform migration of Emissions Calculation of Atmospheric Stationary Sources", Developed by AMBIOSIS S.A. for CONAMA between September 2008 and March 2009.
- "Form 138 Updates incorporation, for Atmospheric pollutants emissions, Part I and II", Work contracted by MINSAL, performed between February 2007 and January 2008.
- "Methodical Analysis for the use of MODEC model in Regions", Consultancy for SECTRA, between September 2006 and August 2007.
- "Consultancy for Public and Private Sector related to Form 138 in the context of PRTR Implementation", Consultancy for CONAMA Nacional, between August and October 2006.
- "Maintenance and Operation for Information System I-Airviro for Air Quality tracking in Región Metropolitana", Consultancy for CONAMA RM, year 2006.
- "Information System for Air Quality Management in AMB Airport, Santiago", Consultancy for MOPTT, developed to the direction of airport MOPTT between May and August 2005.
- "Design of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Stages I-IV", Consultancy for CONAMA, between 2000 and 2004.
- "Design of the National Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Stage IV", Consultancy to CONAMA, August-December 2004
- "Design of the National Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Stage III", Consultancy to CONAMA, September 2003 March 2004.
- "Launch and Maintenance for a Computer system for Ozone and Secondary Particulate Matter Modeling in Region Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile", Consultancy for CONAMA RM, between 2001 and 2003.
Generation of Emissions Reports
- "Generation of Emissions Reports from Unit 4 of the Central Ventanas", CAMPICHE. Work performed from the March 2013 to date.
- "Generation of Emissions Reports from Unit 3 of the Central Ventanas", NUEVA VENTANAS. Work performed from the January 2014 to date.
- "Generation of Emissions Reports from Units 1 and 2 of the Central Ventanas", VENTANAS. Work performed from the January 2014 to date.
- "Generation of Emissions Reports from Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Central Ventanas, December 2010". Monthly contracted by AES GENER starting in January 2010 to December 2013.
- "Program Implementation of Industrial VOC Control", Consultancy for Ministry of Environment (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente) of Región Metropolitana during 2011.
- "Emissions Report according to Format ORD. 2917 SEREMI de Salud Valparaíso", monthly consultancy for:
- Central Las Vegas, since September 2009 up to the date.
- Central Ventanas, October 2009 up to the date.
- Central Nueva Ventanas, March 2010 up to the date.
- "Report of emissions according to format ORD. 1917 SEREMI de Salud Valparaiso" to companies:
- Central Thermoelectric Las Vegas, starting in September 2009 to July 2013.
- Central Thermoelectric Ventanas, October 2009 to December 2013.
- Central Thermoelectric Nueva Ventanas, March 2010 to December 2013.
- Installed in the fireplace of the unit
- "Validation CEMS Installed in the Chimney of the Unit CTM-3 of the 'Central Thermoelectric E-CL'", E-CL, May 2013.
- "Trimestral Report for Central Thermoelectric Ventanas and Central Termoeléctrica Nueva Ventanas" September 2011, VENTANAS.
Management Plans of Hazardous Waste (RESPEL)
- "Consultancy Procedures Environment ", REXAM, August 2013.
- "Consultancy of Waste Management for 'LABORATORIOS SANDERSON'", April 2011 to March 2013.
- "Export Permit Processing, Catalyst Out of stock", GRACE, December 2012
- "Commercial Area Consultancy, Co-processing plant of industrial waste COACTIVA", CEMENTO POLPAICO between second trimesters of 2012 to the second trimester of 2013.
- "Bibliographic Review and Preliminary Proposal for Dangerous Substances Manufacture and Handling Regulation", Consultancy for MINSAL between October and December 2011.
- "Plan Update of Dangerous Waste Management", CRISTALCHILE, December 2010.
- "Elaboration of Dangerous wastes management plan and Regularization for Sanitary Authority", consultancy contracted by the BAGÓ Laboratory, performed between June and August 2010.
- "Modification for Dangerous Wastes handling plan and Storing places regularization for Sanitary Authority", Consultancy for 'Minera MICHILLA', between November 2008 and September 2009.
- "Wastes Management plan and Arrangement regulation of Wastes for Sanitary Authority", Consultancy for 'Laboratorios Sanderson' between December 2008 and April 2009.
- Consultancy for Waste Transportation Authorization, 'Transporte RISES', work performed for the Company HIDRONOR Chile, in 2008.
- "MASTER TRANS Company Project, for Substance and Dangerous Wastes carriage by land", Consultancy for MASTERTRANS, between July and October 2008.
- "Elaboration and Updating for Declaration System of Dangerous Wastes (SIDREP)", Consultancy for MINSAL, between September and December 2007.
Plans for Mines Closure
- "Biodiversity Questionnaire", Consultancy for 'Compañia Minera Polpaico', July 2007.
- Plan for Mine Closure of the Compañía Minera Polpaico, April 2005 to December 2006.
Consultancy related with continuous monitoring of atmospheric emissions
- "Operation and Maintenance, Continuous Monitoring Equipment of Emissions, Trademark CODEL, in the Units 1 and 2 of the 'Central Ventanas', During Validation Testing CEMS", VENTANAS, work performed between July and October 2014.
- "Comparison, measurements continuous CODEL vs measurements isokinetic", VENTANAS, July 2014.
- "Operation of Equipment CODEL During Testing, Applying PS-1 in CTA and CTH and Tests of Correlation in CTH of E-CL Mejillones", Central Termoeléctrica E-CL, January 2014.
- "Operation of Equipment CODEL During Testing of Linearity and Exactitude Relative in CTM-3 of the Central Termoeléctrica E-CL Mejillones", E-CL, January 2014.
- "CODEL equipment normalization in CTA and CTH", Consultancy for E-CL Mejillones, April 2012.
- "Oxygen Sensors Calibration in CTA and CTH", Consultancy for E-CL Mejillones, May 2012.
- "Deviation Check of the Flow Sensor Calibration, Installed in the Chimney of CTM-3", Central Termoeléctrica E-CL, January 2014.
- "Deviation Check of the Flow Sensor Calibration, Installed in the Chimney of CTA-CTH", Central Termoeléctrica E-CL, January 2014.
- "Generation of Emissions Reports from Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Central Ventanas", VENTANAS. Work performed monthly between January 2011 and December 2013.
- "Continuous Monitoring for CODEL Equipment", Consultancy for EDELNOR Mejillones, Región de Antofagasta, July 2008.
- "Quarterly Report of CV and NV Sep-Nov 2011", Consultancy for Central Ventanas November 2011.
- "Additional Works of Maintenance of Continuous Monitoring Equipment of Emissions, Trademark CODEL in the Units 1 and 2 of the Central Ventanas", VENTANAS. Works performed between September 2012 and December 2013.
- "Validation of the Continuous Monitoring Equipment of Emissions (CEMS), Trademark CODEL, Under Protocol of the Superintendence of the Environment Installed in Foster Wheeler Talcahuano", FOSTER WHEELER, October 2013.
- "Elaboration of Previous Report of Validation of the Continuous Monitoring Equipment of Emissions (CEMS), Trademark CODEL, Under Protocol of the Superintendence of the Environment Installed in Foster Wheeler Talcahuano", FOSTER WHEELER, June 2013
- "Audit and operation of the SMCE of the Units 1 and 2 of the 'Central Ventanas', during the testing of Validation, Applying the Protocol of the Superintendence of the Environment", VENTANAS, June 2013
- "Check of Oxygen Sensor Calibration in Central Termoeléctrica of E-CL, Units CTA and CTH, E-CL, May 2012.
- "Normalization Assembly CODEL U2 VENTANAS", Consultancy for INGEAP July 2012.
- "Normalization of Equipment CODEL in Central Termoeléctrica of E-CL, Units CTA and CTH, E-CL, April 2012.
- "CTA Stream Sensor Relocation", Consultancy for INGEAP April 2012.
- "Sensors Adjustment and Validation audit for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS) in Thermal Power Station COBRA", Consultancy to COBRA, December 2011.
- "Annual validation for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS) CODEL, PM2,5 and Metals measures in Units 1 and 2 of Central Ventanas", Consultancy for Central Ventanas, August 2011.
- "Calibration and Validation for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), CODEL", contracted for AES GENER Central Los Vientos, July 2011.
- "Calibration and Validation for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS) in Smokestacks of Complejo Guacolda", Consultancy, April 2011.
- "Calibration verification and Comparison Essay of Continuous Emissions Monitors Systems, trademark CODEL in Units 1 and 2 of Central Ventanas", Work for AERS GENER March 2011.
- "Contract of Preventive Maintenance and Annual Validation of Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), Trademark CODEL", Consultancy for Complejo Guacolda, monthly since October 2010 up to the date.
- "Calibration and Validation for Continuous Emissions Monitors System, Trademark CODEL in Unit 2", consultancy contracted by the Central Nueva Ventanas, performed in April 2010.
- "Essay of CODEL Equipment comparison Units 1 and 2", Work for Central Ventanas of AES Gener, March 2010
- "Verification of Span Gas Calibration", Consultancy for Central Los Vientos of AES GENER June 2010.
- "CODEL Equipment contrast through Span Gas injection", Consultancy for Central Los Vientos, May 2012.
- "Calibration and Validation for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), CODEL", Work for AES GENER Central Los Vientos July 2011.
- "Technical Support for CODEL Equipment, March 2009", monthly service contracted by AES GENER, 'Central Los Vientos', starting March 2009 to July 2013.
- "Certification Service for Mounting and Commissioning and Continuous Emissions Monitor System, CODEL", Consultancy for Central Los Vientos of AES GENER March 2009.
- "Consultancy of the System Evaluation of Continuous Emissions Monitoring Existent in Siderúrgica AZA", INGEA/AZA, 2010.
- "Review and Analysis of relative accuracy report of Continuous Emissions Monitors System", Consultancy for GERDAU AZA, January 2010.
- Consultancy of the Review and Analysis of relative accuracy report of Continuous Emissions Monitors System, existing in GERDAU AZA", performed in December 2009.
- "Calibration verification of Continuous Emissions Monitors Equipment, CODEL, Units 1 and 2 of Central Ventanas of AES GENER", Consultancy performed in September 2009.
- Consultancy for NORGENER, Tocopilla: "Support and Consultancy for Continuous Emissions Monitors, CODEL", February 2009.
- "Calibration and adjustments of CODEL equipment Model DCEM2000 in Units 1 and 2", consultancy performed to the Central Thermoelectric Norgener, Consultancy for NORGENER Tocopilla, October 2009.
- "Checking Service and Emergency Evaluation of Flow Monitor V-CEM5000, CODEL", Consultancy for Central Ventanas, January 2009.
- "Certification Service in Assembly and Start-up of Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), CODEL", Consultancy for Central Ventanas July 2008.
- "Certification Service of Assembly and Start-up, also Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), one CODEL Equipment", Consultancy for Foster Wheeler, Región del Bío Bío June 2008.
- "Support and Consultancy for Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS), CODEL", Consultancy for Central Guacolda, Región de Atacama, October 2008.
- Support and Advisory Services, Continuous Emissions Monitoring Units (CEMS), Trademark CODEL, in the companies:
- EDELNOR Mejillones.
- FOSTER WHEELER Talcahuano.
- AES GENER Ventanas.
- GUACOLDA Huasco.
- INACESA Antofagasta.
- AES GENER Central Las Vegas.
- NORGENER Tocopilla.