

4. EnergyTech 401 CO Monitor

Low maintenance - only simple, infrequent checks to windows are required.

EnergyTech 401

With no sampling system to maintain, CODEL cross-duct monitors are easy to install and simple to operate - vital for plant where there may be little or no technical support available.

The EnergyTech 401 analyser may be used as a complete stand alone monitor or as part of an integrated emission monitoring, logging and reporting system. The instrument is particularly suited to large/dirty processes.

The EnergyTech 401 projects an infrared beam across the duct and through the flue gas to a receiver unit. The light beam is tuned to a specific wavelength where CO molecules absorb light energy. The more molecules there are in the light beam the greater the absorption.

  • Highly efficient air purges for minimal lens contamination.
  • Automatic on-line zero calibration using integral reference gas cell.
  • Real-time normalization to standard reference conditions.
  • Data presentation in ppm, mg/m³ or mg/Nm³.

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