5. TunnelTech 600 Series: Luminance & Iluminance light sensors
Luminance and Illuminance light sensors.
TunnelTech 601: Luminance
TunnelTech 602: Illuminance

The TunnelTech 601 Luminance photometer monitors the average luminance of a tunnel entrance and its surroundings. In accordance with Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage, (C.I.E.), publication 88, 1990 recommendations, the photometer monitors the average luminance within a 20 degree angle over a standard range of 0 - 6,500 cd/m².
The detector is a metal/glass encased silicon diode photocell which is filtered to give a response that mimics the performance of the human eye. The detector is perfectly linear within its measuring range and has an instantaneous response to changing light levels.
According to CIE recommendations luminance should be monitored as the luminance contained within in a conical field of view, subtending an angle of 20º. It is recommended that the luminance photometer is mounted in the tunnel approach road approximately 120 - 200 metres from the portal, depending on the approach speed of the vehicles and their stopping distance.
Compliant with Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage, (C.I.E.), publication 88, 1990.
Measurement of tunnel entrance luminance - 0 - 6,500 cd/m².
Calibrated using standards traceable to UK National Physical Laboratory.
Metal/glass encased Silicon photodiode, Vl filtered to human spectral response.
Accuracy +/-1% Precisión +/- 1%.
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